2011 AFHTO conference presentation
PRESENTER (S): Katharine De Caire RN (EC), MN; Jennifer Scott, RPN; Mary Park, RPN; Joan Morris, RPN; Brian Hemens, RPh BScPhm; Shelly House RPh BScPhm
FHT/ORG: McMaster FHT, Stonechurch Family Health Centre
ABSTRACT: Monitoring the international normalized ratio (INR) is a key component of using Warfarin therapy effectively and safely. Traditionally, measuring an INR has involved routine visits to laboratories for venipuncture. Point-of-care testing is an effective alternative. By putting patient, practitioners and test results in the same place at the same time, they facilitate timely and proper patient evaluation and education and leads to improved patient satisfaction. Multiple studies have shown that a systematic approach to anticoagulation management, focused at the point-of-care, may increase the time patients are in range and reduce the risk of adverse events. In this presentation, we will highlight our RPN lead INR clinic and our experience with the development and ongoing logistics associated with a FHT-based point-of-care INR testing program. Our evaluation focuses on time in therapeutic range, patient satisfaction, and costs
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