Member Case Study: Building Collaboration (based on QIDS Partnerships)

AFHTO Members: Experienced in Building Collaboration Patients First calls for collaboration across subLHIN regions. It also calls for spreading measurement for quality improvement and performance monitoring. AFHTO members’ experience in building QIDS partnerships (about 150 AFHTO member organizations are actively involved) provides a foundation for both these objectives. These QIDS partnerships have been a critical ingredient in the advances AFHTO members are making to meaningfully measure primary care. This new case study – Building Collaboration and Increased Capacity through QIDS Partnerships – illustrates three different approaches to organizing these partnerships. It describes each approach and then examines all three to identify the challenges they faced, the enablers for success and the lessons learned. This knowledge can be applied by primary care stakeholders to evaluate their own existing partnerships (e.g. Health Links and other community programs) and serve as an example of other areas of collaboration.