F1-a - Strategic Approaches to Population Health Planning

Theme 1. Population-based primary health care: planning and integration for the community

Presentation Materials (members only)

Strategic Approaches to Population Health Planning

Learning Objectives

This presentation will demonstrate a strategic, population-health approach to program planning and QI initiatives. Participants will gain an increased knowledge of how to develop an evidenced- based, patient-informed, comprehensive health promotion plan. They will understand and take home practical tools that help to systematically identify needs, inform decision-making, and support program planning and evaluation processes. This presentation will discuss the benefits of embracing patient feedback, creating community partnerships, and developing meaningful evaluation tools. Participants will be able to identify aspects of building collaboration, and gaining buy-in and support from key stakeholders. Also, it will highlight the importance of utilizing this approach when creating the health promotion plan and for FHT wide organizational improvements.


FHTs face many competing priorities and interests for program planning. How can they respond to the needs of FHT patients and the broader community, while considering an evidence-based approach to planning in an efficient and effective manner? This presentation will highlight systematic approaches to the annual health promotion plan and QI initiatives within a small and medium sized FHT. There will be two approaches and tools presented to assess community needs and identify top priorities for action. Windsor FHT will review the steps they take throughout the annual program planning process including: reviewing evaluations from the previous year, analyzing targets met and unmet, gaining and incorporating patient feedback regarding program and service wants and needs, fostering existing partnerships and creating new ones, examining and comparing chronic condition priorities and statistics across the country, province, locally, and within individual FHT’s, and developing evaluation tools. Summerville’s Chronic Disease Management Committee (CDMC) developed a systematic tool that considered the top 10 chronic conditions within the FHT against various criteria: 1) prevalence of condition, 2) health care providers’ perspective, 3) patient feedback, 4) complexity of care for patients and providers, 5) probable impact of a program on health outcomes, 6) existing resources and care gaps, at Summerville and in the community, and, 7) feedback from the MOHLTC which helped inform the population health measures within Summerville FHT’s QIP. At Family Health Teams we work in interdisciplinary teams; Health Promotion planning and activities should be no different. It is crucial to engage the team, community members, organizations and businesses, in order to make health promotion activities successful and sustainable. Drawing on internal resources, statistics, and utilizing external partners is key in developing a plan that meets the needs of your FHT and local community.


  • Chantelle Cecile, RN, MN, BScN, Manager of Quality, Experience and Patient Safety, Windsor FHT
  • Nadya Zukowski, Health Promotion Specialist, Summerville FHT

Authors and Contributors

  • Christine Wellington, Registered Dietician, Windsor Family Health Team