AB5 - The North Star - leading the way in collective action.

Theme 5. Why hasn’t this expanded: scalable pilot programs Presentation Details

  • Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2018
  • Concurrent Session A
  • Time: 2:30 – 4:15pm
  • Room: Pier 9
  • Style: Workshop (session is structure for interaction and/or hands-on learning opportunities)
  • Focus: Balance between both (e.g. Presentation of a best-practice guideline that combines research evidence, policy issues and practical steps for implementation)
  • Target Audience: Leadership (ED, clinical lead, board chair, board member, etc.), Clinical providers, Administrative staff, Representatives of stakeholder/partner organizations

Learning Objectives Participants will: 

  • Increase their awareness about the Northeastern Ontario Family Health Team Network (NEOFHTN)
  • Learn how to develop and agree upon a common set of indicators
  • Learn how to leverage technology to implement data standardization across a region
  • Understand a strategically aligned regional quality improvement effort across the Northeast region.

Summary/Abstract The Northeastern Ontario Family Health Team Network (NEOFHTN) is working together to implement a large-scale quality improvement effort in our region that is truly embedded in the unique rural/urban context of Northeastern Ontario. NEOFHTN, comprised of FHT Executive Directors and QIDSS, has agreed on a common set of indicators to track performance for the nine most common programs across our region.  Using indicators that are appropriate to the clinical context, the results will allow teams to focus on improving patient experiences and care.  In addition, this common set of indicators will facilitate comparison of results within our region and identify areas for quality improvement. More importantly, successes can be shared across teams with similar rural/urban contexts.  This common set of measures will support collaboration and shared learnings across our region. NEOFHTN is focusing on ensuring that data collection is standardized across our region through the opportunity of a one-year trial, using Ocean technology from Cognisant MD for data collection.  With the use of standardized patient engagement tools, data is collected and analysed in a consistent way regardless of the location of patients within our region. This technology will not only assist with data standardization but will increase patient engagement and education. Through the use of Ocean tablets, patients can access tools such as falls prevention screening, mental health screening, and smoking cessation. This consensus on standardized data collection improves confidence in the accuracy of our measurements and links with effective use of data for improvement in the quality of our programming. Presenters

  • Lori Oswald, Executive Director, Mantioulin Central FHT
  • Anna Gibson-Olajos, Executive Director, Powassan and Area FHT
  • Meghan Peters, QIDSS, 9 FHT within Northeastern Ontario

Authors & Contributors

  • Lori Oswald, Executive Director, Mantioulin Central FHT
  • Anna Gibson-Olajos, Executive Director, Powassan and Area FHT
  • Meghan Peters, QIDSS, 9 FHT within Northeastern Ontario