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There are now 297 organizations across Ontario that provide primary health care services in interprofessional team-based care (187 Family Health Teams (FHTs), 75 Community Health Centres (CHCs), 25 Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics (NPLCs), and 10 Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHACs)). Over 3.5 million Ontarians — that’s one in four — are enrolled as patients in these teams.

The following list is provided for reference and not an endorsement from the association.

Teams with a * are a member of AFHTO

You can search below, or view the full list A-Z or by Region 

Organization Type Street Address Municipality Phone Number
Upper Grand Family Health Team* FHT 6420 Beatty Line N Fergus 519-843-3947
Vaughan Community Health Centre 9401 Jane Street, Building A, Suite 206 Vaughan 905-303-8490
Vibrant Healthcare Alliance 2398 Yonge Street Toronto 416-486-8666
Village Family Health Team* FHT 171 East Liberty Street Unit 102 Toronto 416-599-8348
Virginiatown Site C.P. 159, 61, rue Connel Virginiatown 705-634-2223
Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig Health Access Centre 212 4th Ave. South Kenora 807-467-2453 x 1
Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health 299 Montreal Road Ottawa 613-748-5999
Wallaceburg Satellite Site 808 Dufferin Avenue Wallaceburg 519-397-5455
Walpole Island Satellite Site 785 Tecumseh Road, Unit 2 Walpole Island 519-397-5455
Warren Site 39 Lafontaine St. Unit 6, Box 38, Warren