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There are now 297 organizations across Ontario that provide primary health care services in interprofessional team-based care (187 Family Health Teams (FHTs), 75 Community Health Centres (CHCs), 25 Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics (NPLCs), and 10 Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHACs)). Over 3.5 million Ontarians — that’s one in four — are enrolled as patients in these teams.

The following list is provided for reference and not an endorsement from the association.

Teams with a * are a member of AFHTO

You can search below, or view the full list A-Z or by Region 


Organization Type Street Address Municipality Phone Number
Équipe de santé familiale académique Montfort FHT 745 Montreal Rd., Unit 101B Ottawa 613-749-4429
Équipe de santé familiale communautaire de l'est d'Ottawa FHT 1811 boul. St-Joseph Orleans 613-590-0533
Erie Shores Family Health Team* FHT 197 Talbot St. West, Suite 101 Leamington 519-322-1100
Espanola & Area Family Health Team* FHT 801 McKinnon Drive Espanola 705-862-7991
Essex County Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic* NPLC 186 Talbot Street South, Unit 200 Essex 519-776-6856
Etobicoke Medical Centre Family Health Team* FHT 85 The East Mall, unit 400 Toronto 416-621-2220
Fairview Community Health 5 Fairview Mall Drive, Suite 357 Toronto 416-640-5298
Family First Family Health Team* FHT P.O. Box 51031 Orleans 613-841-7009
Flemingdon Health Centre 10 Gateway Blvd. Toronto 416-429-4991
Flesherton Township of Chatsworth Municipal Office, Basement Level 316837 Hwy 6, Chatsworth