F1 - Improving Caregiver Inclusion to Impact Patient Outcomes in Primary Care

1. Expanding access to team-based care

  • Date: 2024-10-25
  • Concurrent Session: Concurrent Session F
  • Time: 11:15 am- 12 pm
  • Room:
  • Style: Presentation (information provided to audience, with opportunity for audience to ask question)
  • Focus: Balance between both (e.g. Presentation of a best-practice guideline that combines research evidence, policy issues and practical steps for implementation)
  • Target Audience: Leadership (ED, clinical lead, board chair, board member, etc.)    Clinical providers    Administrative staff    Representatives of stakeholder/partner organizations

Learning Objectives:

Participants will learn: 

  • Understand the evidence that demonstrates the importance of including caregivers as partners in primary care settings, including better care quality, patient outcomes, cultural safety, and improved working conditions for teams.
  • Learn practical tips and strategies from the Essential Care Partner (ECP) Support Hub that can be applied to promote caregiver inclusion in primary care settings throughout Ontario.
  • Identify concrete actions to include caregivers at the point of care in primary care settings.  

The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) recognizes that caregivers play a critical role in providing unpaid physical, emotional, and cognitive support to family members, partners, and friends in care settings and aims to grow a health system that consistently and meaningfully includes and empowers caregivers as essential partners in patient care. The OCO’s Essential Care Partner (ECP) Support Hub, in partnership with Ontario Health, acts as a central resource to assist healthcare organizations in identifying, including, and supporting caregivers as essential members of the care team.   This interactive session will include an overview of current evidence on the essential role of family caregivers in healthcare settings. It will discuss strategies for caregiver inclusion at the point of care in primary care, as well as introduce practical tools family health teams can use to support the meaningful involvement of family caregivers. The presentation will also highlight lessons learned from organizations who have implemented an essential care partner program and adopted leading practices, and how these lessons learned can serve as a blueprint for cultivating a caregiver-inclusive culture in primary care settings. This workshop will include the voice of a caregiver as they navigate Ontario’s health system, including their experiences with primary care. Additionally, through facilitated discussion with participants, we will explore the barriers, challenges, and concerns related to caregiver inclusion and support, and offer valuable insights and strategies for overcoming these obstacles.  


  • Alison Kilbourn    Manager, Essential Care Partner Support Hub    The Ontario Caregiver Organization
  • Fardowsa Halane    Knowledge Exchange Lead, Essential Care Partner Support Hub    The Ontario Caregiver Organization 