E5 - Data & Engagement Build Capacity for Health Workforce Planning

5. Wild Card

  • Date: 2024-10-25
  • Concurrent Session: Concurrent Session E
  • Time: 9:45- 10:30 am
  • Room:
  • Style: 
  • Focus: 
  • Target Audience:

Learning Objectives:

Participants will learn to:

  • Recognize the importance of workforce planning 
  • List the four steps of the workforce planning process 
  • Identify data needed to support workforce decision-making 
  • Recognize the value of engagement with local partners  
  • Develop a strategy to build capacity for planning within their own organizations

Health workforce challenges in primary care abound. Health workforce planning has been proposed as an intervention to proactively anticipate and mitigate some of these challenges. However, our health systems lack a culture of planning and capacity for planning is limited. Ontario Health Toronto and the Canadian Health Workforce Network have co-developed an approach to integrated primary care workforce planning that supports evidence-based workforce decision-making at local and regional levels. Spread and scale of this approach across the province will facilitate evidence-based workforce decision-making and promote equitable distribution of primary care workforce resources.    The approach to integrated primary care workforce planning unfolds in four steps: horizon scanning, scenario generation, workforce modelling, and policy analysis. These activities are iterative and engagement with partners is embedded in the process.    Mobilizing data from various sources to help clinicians and decision-makers understand their communities, estimate the need for primary care services and the capacity of the workforce to provide service, assess the alignment between needs and capacity, and explore the factors at play improves the evidence base for workforce decision-making. Our publicly available interactive dashboard allows partners to interact with curated data and resources that support planning.    Engaging with local decision-makers can clarify local planning challenges and provide a foundation for the development and refinement of data supports and other fit-for-purpose resources. Creating connections through engagement builds capacity for planning and can enhance the impact of planning within communities and across the health system.


  • Sarah Simkin    Co-Lead, Health Workforce Planning    Canadian Health Workforce Network
  • Cynthia Damba    Director, Health Analytics    Ontario Health Toronto
  • Ivy Bourgeault    Lead    Canadian Health Workforce Network