COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Referral (ONTARIO) Form - OSCAR

Please find an eForm for Ontario referrals for COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody treatment for the OSCAR EMR below. There are two options for you to choose from depending on your EMR compatibility below: 

Thank you to Lisa Hawkins, QIDSS with the Champlain Region FHTs and Dr. Kevin Lai in North York for their assistance in developing the form for OSCAR users.

Please note, for Form Option 2 the download and upload instructions are: 

  1. After download, rename the *.zp file to *.zip 
  2. Upload the package in: Administration Panel -> Forms/eForms -> Import tab -> Browse and select the *.zip file -> click Import

 For Form Option 1, please proceed with step 2 directly.