B1 - Implementing and Evaluating a Community of Practice for Social Determinants of Health Practitioners in Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Ontario Health Team

1. Expanding access to team-based care

  • Date: 2024-10-24
  • Concurrent Session: Concurrent Session B
  • Time: 3:45– 4:30 pm
  • Room:
  • Style: Presentation (information provided to audience, with opportunity for audience to ask question)
  • Focus: Balance between both (e.g. Presentation of a best-practice guideline that combines research evidence, policy issues and practical steps for implementation)
  • Target Audience: Leadership (ED, clinical lead, board chair, board member, etc.)    Clinical providers    

Learning Objectives:

Participants will learn: 

  • By the end of the presentation, attendees and reviewers should be able to:
  • Share practical knowledge on how to implement a Community of Practice (CoP) for Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Practitioners within an Ontario Health Team (OHT). This will include logistics such as membership recruitment, meeting organization, resource sharing methods, etc. 
  • Discuss the effectiveness of a CoP for SDOH practitioners based on evaluation results regarding individual perceived utility, CoP group function, and broader field impacts.  


  Addressing the social determinants of health (SDOH) is an important and evolving area of population health management. Community Services Workers (CSWs) provide person-centered care to connect clients to community-based services aiming to support SDOH impacted health needs. Other SDOH focused practitioners, such as social services workers and practical assistance workers, share a focus on system navigation and support. There is currently no established regulatory body to support CSWs and other SDOH practitioners in their work. As such, a community of practice (CoP) was established in the Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT) to connect practitioners working with the SDOH to share knowledge, facilitate navigation, and improve practitioner experience. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of the FLA OHT CoP in supporting SDOH practitioners with the broader goal of better targeting SDOH within FLA region. METHODS: An online survey was created based on a previously developed framework for evaluating extra-organizational CoPs. Outcomes of interest focus on individual benefits of the CoP, assessment of CoP function and broader field impacts. Members of SDOH CoP will be invited to participate. Survey distribution is planned for May 2024. RESULTS: The CoP has gained 50+ participants on the distribution list with 7 bimonthly meetings since February 2023. The evaluation is expected to show positive results on individual, group, and community outcomes. IMPACT: Findings the have potential to provide evidence for implementing CoPs to support SDOH practitioners and helping promote the spread and scale of such networks to other communities and OHTs.  


  • Melody Wyslobicky    BHSc, Medical Student     Queen's University
  • Anna Chavlovski    MD CCFP MScHQ    Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Ontario Health Team    
  • Anastassiya Khrokhova        Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Ontario Health Team